
How much caffeine do herbs contain?

Caffeine, also known as theine, is a natural stimulant for our body, which with proper consumption can bring benefits such as stimulation, temporary mental alertness, improved mood and better metabolic rates. It is found in various plants and we find it with different content in every hot beverage, depending on the ingredients, but also the method and time of preparation. A useful “secret” is that the longer the tea leaves are soaked in water, the more caffeine is released in our hot beverage. Despite is many benefits, caffeine should be consumed with caution, as excessive daily consumption can cause nervousness, anxiety and even insomnia.

How do we choose our beverage according to the percentage of caffeine it has?

For lovers of peace, tranquility and complete relaxation, the best choice is none other than beverages with natural, aromatic herbs, which do not contain any caffeine. Another great alternative to herbs is white tea. Delicate and with less processing compared to green and black tea, it has very low caffeine content.

Green tea, rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the body, in one cup contains about 28 mg of caffeine, which is considered a fairly mild amount, while black tea is the ideal beverage with which one can replace coffee, due to the high content of caffeine that characterizes it (48 mg) compared to other categories of tea.

**The numbers are from the Food and Nutrient Database of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)